Cablotech CRIBIS Prime Company 2019

20 February 2019| Awards

Cablotech gained CRIBIS Prime Company for the year 2019.

Cribis Prime Company 2019

Cribis Prime Company 2019

This recognition, that emerges from the analysis realized by Cribis – the company of CRIF group specialized in providing commercial information, certifies that Cablotech is among the companies with the highest level of reliability from the point of view of trade relations.

The one fulfilled by CRIBIS is an in-depth analysis: recognizing the reliability of a company from a commercial point of view means attesting a low probability that unsolved payments to suppliers occur within 12 months from the survey; moreover, numerous variables get analyzed, like budget indices, payment experiences, injurious information, besides personal data and the ones related to legal status, geographical area of belonging, dimension and company seniority.

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